Alpha 1.4.4

This is a pre-release

Release date: Saturday, July 1, 2023


Downloads (66 total)  134.14 MB (7 downloads)

blankstorm-client-alpha-1.4.4.exe  101.92 MB (21 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.4-linux  47.32 MB (17 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.4-macos  52.31 MB (14 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.4.exe  38.69 MB (7 downloads)

Alpha 1.4.3

This is a pre-release

Release date: Thursday, June 1, 2023


Downloads (32 total)  134.12 MB (4 downloads)

blankstorm-client-alpha-1.4.3.exe  101.88 MB (4 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.3-linux  47.30 MB (10 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.3-macos  52.29 MB (11 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.3.exe  38.67 MB (3 downloads)

Alpha 1.4.2

This is a pre-release

Release date: Saturday, May 13, 2023


Main changes

Bug Fixes & Technical changes

Downloads (32 total)  133.55 MB (5 downloads)

blankstorm-client-alpha-1.4.2.exe  100.13 MB (3 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.2-linux  47.39 MB (11 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.2-macos  52.38 MB (11 downloads)

blankstorm-server-alpha-1.4.2.exe  38.76 MB (2 downloads)

Alpha 1.4.1

This is a pre-release

Release date: Friday, March 31, 2023


Downloads (67 total)

client-linux-alpha-1.4.1.snap  111.99 MB (11 downloads)  127.06 MB (5 downloads)

client-macos-alpha-1.4.1.AppImage  127.50 MB (12 downloads)

client-windows-alpha-1.4.1.exe  95.51 MB (5 downloads)  130.80 MB (4 downloads)

server-linux-alpha-1.4.1  47.37 MB (14 downloads)

server-macos-alpha-1.4.1  52.36 MB (12 downloads)

server-windows-alpha-1.4.1.exe  38.74 MB (4 downloads)

Alpha 1.4.0

This is a pre-release

Release date: Monday, February 27, 2023


Completely reworked the internals. The core (the part that processes data) and the client (the rendering and such) are now completely separate. Also fixed some minor issues.

Downloads (22 total)

client-linux-alpha-1.4.0.snap  109.86 MB (9 downloads)  124.64 MB (0 downloads)

client-macos-alpha-1.4.0.AppImage  125.09 MB (9 downloads)

client-windows-alpha-1.4.0.exe  94.35 MB (4 downloads)  128.38 MB (0 downloads)

Alpha 1.3.1

This is a pre-release

Release date: Monday, November 14, 2022


Fixed an issue that prevented ticks from occurring and made improvements to hardpoint targeting.

Alpha 1.3.0

This is a pre-release

Release date: Sunday, November 13, 2022



Bug Fixes

Technical Changes

Alpha 1.2.1

This is a pre-release

Release date: Sunday, October 9, 2022


Fixed hyperspace

A huge amount of formatting and syntax fixes

Improved some functions

Alpha 1.2.0

This is a pre-release

Release date: Monday, October 3, 2022



Bug Fixes

Technical Changes

Alpha 1.1.0

This is a pre-release

Release date: Friday, September 2, 2022



Bug Fixes

Technical Changes

Alpha 1.0.0

This is a pre-release

Release date: Monday, August 1, 2022


Features and Changes:

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Infdev 12

This is a pre-release

Release date: Friday, April 29, 2022


Changed the default port when adding a server to 1123 and added support for protocols other than https. For the test server, please use the address

Downloads (4 total)  6.87 MB (4 downloads)

Infdev 11

This is a pre-release

Release date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Changed ping timing to be client-side only and actually work. Fully added multiplayer testing and saves (test server address is Added a hyperspace entrance effect.

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Downloads (4 total)  6.87 MB (4 downloads)

Infdev 10

This is a pre-release

Release date: Monday, April 25, 2022


Added ping time to the multiplayer testing, added editing server names, and added a refresh button on server selection screen.

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Downloads (5 total)  6.87 MB (5 downloads)

Infdev 9

This is a pre-release

Release date: Sunday, April 24, 2022


Updated the title in the main menu to have the correct name, removed the modding tab in settings.

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Downloads (5 total)  6.97 MB (5 downloads)

Infdev 8

This is a pre-release

Release date: Thursday, April 21, 2022


Revamped planets! Added 6 new planet biomes: earthlike, volcanic, jungle, ice, desert, moon. Added saves and multiplayer testing (you need to use the mp and save url parameter, for example /play?mp=true&save=true). /spawn has been changed since it peviously did not work. (/spawn <ship type> <owner (e.g. @vortex)> [x] [y] [z])

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Infdev 7

This is a pre-release

Release date: Friday, April 15, 2022


Reworked research points into the experience system, and reworked commands (see the docs for more info). Added toggleable reaction control systems (RCS) and support for functions. The navigation and inventory menus can be closed with Esc. Removed the RCS/Zero Point research. Added toggleable hud using F1.

Bug Fixes:

Technical Change: Complelty transtion from function based things to class based things (This is a massive under-the-hood change that will allow us to be more organized and code faster)

Infdev 6

This is a pre-release

Release date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Improved GUI lists (e.g. inventory sub-menus, save list), fixed GUI scaling, and added the GUI scale setting. Added a loading spinner on game startup.

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Infdev 5

This is a pre-release

Release date: Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Added the /kill and /spawn commands.

Bug Fixes:

Technical Changes:

Infdev 4

This is a pre-release

Release date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Ships can now be commanded and are upgraded individually. Fixed a bug from Infdev 3 where some list items where not displayed with a background. Also updated along with the user authenitcation API to be more stable and easier to work with. It is now RESTful for any other devs interested. The command /sound play [id] is now /playsound [id] and the /reloadengine command is now /debug reload.

Infdev 3

This is a pre-release

Release date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Changed the camera to be 3rd person. A/D keybinds changed from strafing to rotating. Changed how the GlowLayer interacts with the scene. Slight transparency on some menus!

Infdev 2

This is a pre-release

Release date: Monday, December 20, 2021


Fixed default keybinds not loading and an issue with checking if the player had certain materials.

Infdev 1

This is a pre-release

Release date: Sunday, December 5, 2021


Added infinite worlds, 3 more ship models (for the crusier, battleship, and dreadnought), sound effects, account authetication (you will need an account to play the game now), and a tutorial. We also balanced some ship specs, tweaked the debug/F3 screen, changed the menu title color, fixed ship texture rendering, added modding via raw js, and added some more randomness to the game in the form of some randomized player spawning, planet spawning, and ship spawning. The sizes of planets and stars has been doubled. Finally, the available space where you and enemy ship can spawn expands with a bigger fleet.

Indev 11

This is a pre-release

Release date: Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Removed the debug screen alternate keybind (Shift+D) and add a view hitboxes feature (F4). Fixed the issue from last snapshot concerning respawn.

Indev 10

This is a pre-release

Release date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Added space battles! Get within 200 units of a planet's fleet to engage in battle. A small change: the version display in the main menu is now a link that points to the patch notes for that version.

Indev 9

This is a pre-release

Release date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Added modding. Mods can be managed at the mods tab in settings. Please see the modding API reference to make a mod.

Indev 8

This is a pre-release

Release date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021


This is a BIG snapshot! Finally, 3D ship models have been added! Please note that the only unique ship model is the destroyer. All the other ships use the corvette model due to time constraints. Also, the textures won't load properly, so for now we've made them all one emissive color though its not ideal. We've also added in a 3rd-person camera. This is accessible by pressing R (The keybind is labeled toggle perspective). Oh, and there is a new settings for camera sensitivity under general. Also greatly improved chat (/ to access). Chat is now positioned lower (right above the input box). The debug screen is also improved. Visually, the background is only over the text. A few new sections were added. Below the closest planet, the locked target will be shown, and next to the player rotation is A which has info about the ArcRotateCamera (3rd person). You can now play two songs ingame via the /sound play command. The 2 song names/ids are rift and planets. Also a major under the hood change: All assets have been moved to Data URLs. This has the huge benefit of not needing an assets folder. The version can also be downloaded without needing all the dependencies (except for the libraries). Due to this, the game file is 190x bigger than snapshot 7.

Indev 7

This is a pre-release

Release date: Friday, October 1, 2021


Added actual space movement physics, added the new Navigation UI (open with q, allows you to warp between systems and lock targets), and added a few new tech types. Added propulsion which increases base speed, Zero-Point Drive that allows you to instantly stop, and Force Keel, complicated. Read the tooltip ingame.Also, with the new tech type comes a new modding feature setting a value in tech.[type].rq to 0 will mean that a tech type will be locked if the player researches the other tech type.

Indev 6

This is a pre-release

Release date: Thursday, September 23, 2021


Added a background in-game (stars) instead of the plain purple. Fixed the game-breaking bug that you could open inventory/pause menu while save was being created or the other was open.

Indev 5

This is a pre-release

Release date: Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Added a new Keybindings section to settings and added dynamic item name/amount displays to the inventory. Also finally fixed tooltips and improved dynamic UIs in general